Thursday 12 December 2013

Pit-bulls, a truck & inspiration

Whilst in a Supermarket this week I overheard two customers talking about how awful Pit-bulls are and how “they should all just be put down”.

All of the sudden I was transported to a moment many years ago……

I was at the factory my father worked in and a gentleman that brought supplies to the factory started chatting to Dad and the factory manager about orders. 
I must have been about 10 years old.  To be honest I was distracted by the dog sitting in the passenger seat of the truck.  The dog was a Pit-bull.  He was black and white, and rather ominous looking. But I wanted to pat the dog, and chat to him.  So I did….

The supply guy introduced me to his dog that wagged its tail and responded to his commands obediently.  I was never afraid. 

Years later after experiences at animal shelters and volunteer work with animals I’ve seen many breeds of dogs.  Can pit-bulls be aggressive? Sure.  But so can many breeds.  Pit-bulls have strength.  But they also possess many other traits – they are loyal, trust-worthy and would die for those they love. Like many animals if properly cared for during their ‘puppy’ and ‘adolescent’ stages they make wonderful companions.

So is it OK to write off/judge a whole breed because of the acts of some dogs improperly cared for by irresponsible people?

This made me think about a lot of different topics….

And to be honest it made me feel inspired. 

Sometimes labels are put on beings when they are simply just different. 
Actions speak louder than words. (Did you know Helen Keller’s assistance dog was a pit-bull?)

Everyone has a story. 

Sometimes labels and judgments are made when a story is only partly written. 

Everyone makes mistakes, and to be honest those I’ve met on my journey who have made mistakes and learned important lessons are the most caring, least judgemental and most compassionate. 

A simple remark today made in a Supermarket today made me think about how I need to be less judgmental, how lucky I am to be on this journey and how one wonderful black and white Pit-bull changed my everything……

Hope your week is wonderful and inspiring xo